Friday, February 29, 2008

Until the Weekend

While I have a ton of projects to talk about, posting is going to be spotty this weekend.

A bit of a life dump is occuring here at the Nest, and these things have to be dealt with first.

I had thought the only "extra" I would be dealing with this week would be furball # 3's trip to the vet to pull her out of the gene pool, but instead this weekend is going to be spent waiting for a call to tell me an elderly relative has passed.

Sorry to start the weekend out on a bummer note for everyone. Go look at if you need a mood stabalizer.

1 comment:

oonagh said...

oh sweetie!!!!!!!!

i hope things stabilize out for you a little....

i really didn't mean to add anything to all this......

lots and lots of virtual hugs, i'll check in on you when we get home sun.......

and anyways, it's prolly a good thing your kitteh is outta the gene pool, from what i remember, those cats have some interesting habits!!!
smile dear, love you........