Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I hate migraines.

Really really hate migraines.

'Specially the ones that have you tasting blood and smelling ozone.

This is one nerd signing out until my brain stops trying to squidge out my left ear. (Its frankly trying to take territory that clearly belongs to my babel fish.)



oonagh said...

oh hon........

hope you feel better soon.......i've had those.......

then again, i think the last time i had one of "those" migraines, it was packdown day for pennsic.....we're supposed to be offsite by three, and i can't sit up and i'm puking my brains out......

it does get better.......

gentle me when you feel better, to discuss stuff......

KD5NRH said...

Y'know that list of things you're supposed to avoid to prevent migraines? Put it to good use by doing everything it says not to. For some reason, that worked well for me.