Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rain Rain, Go Away

Really. Seriously. I have stuff to do.

Come on, give a nerd a break... there are windows to seal, wood to split, shingles to fix, gutters to clean, shutters to hang, and doors to fix.

Ahhh... the glories of fall.

Makes a gal hope for snow to fly soon so she can take a few moments and enjoy a cup of cocoa.

Looks like I'll spend the day wrapping pipes and doing laundry instead.

Why, yes. I am deciding to ignore the last several bad months and move on. You noticed, didn't you. Crap. I was trying to be subtle. Here's the deal. My summer has consisted of : 2 deaths (one a recent murder of a cousin's husband's little girl. It just keeps getting more movie of the week.), a mother-in-law dealing with cancer, family "issues", family nuttiness (understandable, but still possibly certifiable), a ripped up roof from a natural disaster, school struggles, two more severe health concerns with other family members, and a partridge in a freaking pear tree. I'm expecting a lightning bolt to hit the bedroom in about 20 minutes and all my hair to fall out on Friday. Can it just be winter yet? This has been a rough summer. Still trying to do the "green thing" but its hard to get back into a normal groove of life and I'm a bit scared to say I'm back for fear of a plauge of locusts o'er the land.


goddessof4 said...

There is always more to be done!!!! I still need to put some plastic on our old old windows!!!! I am hoping we can replace two basement windows and that will help a lot!!!!

goddessof4 said...

I just read the fine print and want to say I am sorry for all you and your family have been thru.Sometimes the little chores help you keep on going .